The last blender 249 jedi

Welcome to my online portfolio, where I dump images or videos of things I actually finish.

7#!5 P463 !5 UND3R cun757ruc5#un: Page Rape is in progress please stand-by for orders.

your orders are as follows:

mail hentai to your federal politicians.

found a bug? let me know on the contact page.

Most recent 3D work


All games here are free to play and distribute, please contact me for modifications/edits. All edits are considered derivative works and subject to existing intellectual properties.

Sale, resale or other monetization of these games (except by the original creator), is prohibited without a license. Games are individually licensed/copyrighted.

Like these games? want to see more? consider donating what you feel the games are worth!

Games coming in the future, nothing yet and it may take a long while.

Most recent 3D work

I am in the process of making 3D chibi anime characters, also taking requests!

basic test of static texture generation, all the hard bases covered Fire, Smoke, Clouds and Water the hardest things to make in blender game engine/textures. Animating this however would be a matter of X and or Y map input offsets plus a Z offset, baking to texture, saving each frame to it's own mesh, and then placing them all in an invisible layer and spawning them as frames of the animation via the edit object actuator and replace mesh graphics.

I typically do way too much at one time.