The core physics concerning carbon gasses

First we need to talk about oxygen. Many official scientific pages, books, and scientists get this WRONG, Oxygen is denoted by "O2" that is to say that it breaks All known scientific literature to refer to an atom and a molecule which behave differently as the same chemical name. "O1" or simple "O" has gone through many names to attempt to fix this: Oxium, Octium, Octigen to name a few. Where O2 is 2 Octigen atoms and referred to by the name Oxygen.

Oxium used to be the standard name for O on the periodic table until scientists in desperate need to keep their jobs had to do something to keep their salaries, so they debated that the Ium ending to the word made it sound like a solid metal, which they argued was incorrect. (much like that time astronomers decided that it was important to differentiate between planets by size and composition and refer to some as planets and downgrade pluto to a nepton or trans-neptunian dwarf planet.) For this reason Oxium and later Octium were dropped from official record. Octium tried to be more precise the Oct standing for number 8 referencing that it's the 8th element on the periodic table. Again the ium ending was what lead to the downfall of this name and it dropped out of use. Where Octigen satisfies all critics, in that it both references it's place on the periodic table with Oct, and references it's state as a gas using the ending "Gen" which stands for Genomai which means engendered, basically saying that because it's a gas it's likely to mix and combine with other things as O and O2 have a tendency to do.

For that reason this document will refer to the chemical denotation O as Octigen, and O2 as Oxygen, and O3 as Ozone

I mean it just makes sense, (though they are just different by the numbers of Octigen atoms that compose them), you wouldn't refer to Ozone as Oxygen because it's so commonly used that you'd confuse the reader or make the listener confused in conversation, unless you specify it as Oxygen-O3 which is unnecessarily awkward to do every time you want to say it. In the same light it just makes sense that we shouldn't have to say Oxygen-Atom(O1) every time we want to differentiate from the Oxygen-molecule(O2 OR O3). Asking people to do that, or doing that yourself is not only rediculous but only further broadcasts the writer/speaker's ignorance and/or lack of knowledge. In otherwords it makes you look stupid for not knowing the name of O1. If a climate scientist tells you the name of O (O1) is oxygen, they are ignorant, do not listen to a word they say, they don't even know the basics.

Theres a reason I stress that. There was political funding behind the academic and scientific removal of the noun to differentiate O1 and O2, because it was politically advantageous to refer to them as the same name. And the reason behind that brings us to Carbon...

Carbon C1 (or just C on the periodic table) stands for a single carbon atom. All Carbon is radioactive, just most carbon is no moreso radioactive than normal background radiation so it's not reported as radioactive. Now Carbon comes in different electron amounts, and those electrons determine it's level of radioactivity. C-4 maybe not that bad, fairly normal, C-6 or C-14 Really radioactive stay away!!! (be on the look out for them in aerosol disinfectant sprays), you'll go sterile and get loads of cancer if you don't care, I'm not pulling your leg.

OK with the denotation learned:

Fact: C1 is heavier than O1

It is politically convenient to refer to O1 and O2 as the same name "Oxygen" so in conversation when you say "Carbon is heavier than Oxygen" they can say "Nuh uh! Oxygen is a molecule you idiot!" and when you say "I'm talking about an Oxygen Atom you jackass!" they'll say "I just searched it on goorble (the name of the evil one shall not be uttered), Oxygen isn't an atom it's a molecule"... I mean how many facepalms is that worth? infinite facepalms? Fact: Every molecule is composed of atoms!

You may be wondering why this fact is hated so much by political scientists that they tried to delete a word just to make it seem like an oxygen atom is heavier than carbon. The answer should pop out if you have heard anything about "Climate Change" or "Global Warming" according to them Carbon gasses are lighter than air and when we make them they float up into the ozone layer, bond with Ozone, and float and collect there, and reflect sunlight and other radiation back at the earth causing heating of the planet "oh noe we's gonna die! quick gimme all yo munnay, I'll fix it".

But in reality Carbon Gasses are heavier than O2, they are so much heavier that they cannot mix with normal air in our atmosphere, they form pockets of carbon gasses which sink to the ground as smog, unless enough energy is applied in a local area to change this (like in a fire, the heat from the fire causes the carbon to rise faster than air because the carbon gasses have more mass and thus more inertia!, but as soon as the heat is no longer being applied things cool really fast and carbon goes back to moving in a downward trend). In otherwords, Carbon gasses that you and me and machines and coal and petrol make can Never Ever get to the ozone layer, (unless you have a fire thats 35,000+ feet tall), and with that the science of climate change and global warming falls appart into an unbelievable pool of lies.

lets compare some relative atomic weights (then we'll go on to natural examples):

CarbonDioxide is the "infamous evil" of the climate change alarmists. Carbon Dioxide is C1O2. Do the math! if air is O2 and Nitrogen (which are both really similar in weight) and Carbon Dioxide is Oxygen+Carbon, what does Addition of positive values get us? thats right more mass and more weight! Carbondioxide is OVER 1.5* the weight of Oxygen alone!!! (probably closer to 1.6) these gasses can never mix, the weight is too different! this would be like trying to mix water with bowlingballs, maybe in a roaring river the water can push the bowling balls around, but that is hardly a common thing on the face of the earth in air currents, there's just not enough wind force in most areas to cause 1.6* the weight to mix in the same air volume as 1* the weight. In contrast, instead it's like stones and sand when water passes over in a stream are the stones magically going to float higher than the sand? no, they may bounce but they'll hug the bottom and sink below the sand.

CarbonMonoxide is C1O1 compared to O2 it's about 1.1* the weight of normal air, believe it or not even that is hard to mix. thats why if you get someone to install carbonmonoxide detectors in your house, they install them in an outlet near the floor, because in real life examples; thats where carbonmonoxide ends up!

Both of the "most infamously BAD" gasses blamed by climate alarmists for everything from hurricanes to the common cold or covid or even just a random warmer summer are both heavier than normal air and sink to the floor or ground. this is how physics works. heavier things sink below lighter things.

Methane, Methane is a carbon gas, it has it's own name, but if we were to name it like Carbondioxide or carbonmonoxide we'd name it Carbonquadhydride, it's chemical structure is C1H4, where H is Hydrogen. technically they classify it as a gas, but really it's more of an invisible liquid, just like H2O is a liquid, and it only has 2 Hydrogen atoms and one Octigen atom. here we have 1 carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms, it has more mass than water. It also has a lot of energy because the things that emit it are typically warm or hot. This energy causes the molecule to bond with literally any other free atom it can grab hold of, in otherwords, it only gets heavier moments after emission. this is why farts linger.. I mean you'd expect them to rise to the cieling, but they just stay at roughly the same height and flare out and find someone else's nose and just kinda follow you around. In actuality, by that point it's not methane any more anyways, it more likely C2H4O2 or C1H4O2 respecitvely, maybe add some nitrogen in for good measure, this makes it much heavier than even water.. this chemical will actually sink underwater after it cools, In reality it sinks underwater, gets carried by the ocean currents to the poles and freezes into methane crystals which by the way, stay frozen and hold their temperature longer than sea ice, so actually they help keep the arctic and antarctic frozen.

Did I mention in nature due to the weight of the carbon atom; that force and inertia is lost very quickly in carbon gasses? and a loss of inertia and motion actually creates less friction between atoms, and they calm down and if you know anything about atomic physics, heat is created when atoms vibrate, and cold happens when atoms calm down. So all carbon gasses naturally try to stay cold, and they lose heat rapidly (cause it takes more energy to maintain the heat), and as you know cold things sink faster than warmer things so it's completely impossible for a carbon gas based on weight + cooling potential to actually mix with warmer gasses like Oxygen.. No, Sunlight is not enough to heat carbon gasses. Go search for information on "The Plutonium" which is a natural fissure cave where carbon gasses rise up from inside the earth then pool out at ground level in open air (exposed to sunlight) the priests of the plutonium in roman times believed it was a sacred site of the deity Pluto because it was literally a cave of death, entering the mouth of the cave on your knees would mean carbon gas poisoning, as you know we breathe out Carbondioxide and our bodies cannot use it for energy, if you were forced to breathe it for more than 30 seconds you'd have heart failure followed by complete shutdown of your brain. Simply put there's just no energy to run the muscles and nerves.. In real life this happens in mines where pockets of Carbon gasses roam free in invisible pockets referred to as "the black damp" for this reason people need to take a flame based lamp with them into old mines, if the flame starts to disappear it means there is no air only carbon dioxide (which does not burn). The priests knew however that for some reason it's safe to stand tall in the cave opening, so they would lead animals (whose mouths are low to the ground) into the cave opening and people would watch them drop dead, fueling speculation that the area was the home of a death deity or a gateway to hell.

Water also comes out of the cave, and when exposed to the weight of the total volume of air in the atmosphere the carbon gasses are pressed into the water, this is why the region was used in making very pricey clothes known as Purple in the old days, because the natural carbonrich water that flowed out of the plutonium was great for dying clothes. Purple was a color reserved for emperors and rich people.

In the plutonium's cave entrance there is a large open area where sunlight can reach the gasses, but compared to the forces at work that we've already discussed: greater mass of the carbon gasses, natural cooling of the carbon gasses, pressure from the air column pushing down on the carbon gasses, and water to absorb the carbon atoms, sunlight does not contain enough energy to heat the carbon gasses enough to cause flight. It's like trying to fly a plane that landed in water and was not built for water landings or water takeoffs, not going to fly, (might work as a submarine though if the structure can take the water pressure).

Did I forget to mention that Carbon tries to form very dense atomic bonds and tends to compress as a volume into a very heavy solid, it is actually one of the densest materials on Earth, it's used to make Diamond which is one of the most dense materials we have at our disposal, so dense it's very hard for other atomic structures to cut or shave it. Where as Oxygen and Nitrogen form very loose, sparse bonds and tend to flare out as a volume into a very sparse gas.


In summary physics shows us that the likelihood the carbon gasses are causing global warming or climate change is 0.00000000000...000 to the nth% it's completely improbable and impossible. Physics flies in the face of climate alarmist science. In the real world their "climate science" doesn't work, instead things actually seem to happen the opposite way carbon gasses sink, they don't rise, they help cool the planet not warm it.

but yeah carbon gasses are really really not good for your health.

This was how Global Warming and Climate Change groups started, they were super rich politicians and business people who lived in big cities and found out their life expectancy and health had declined due to breathing carbon gasses. And rather than move out of the big city, they went to war against the source of carbon gasses = "YOU PESKY DIRTY UNWASHED UNTOUCHABLE CITIZENS!!!!", then they realized they could claim it was killing the planet and make people feel shameful and actually get donations to their charities to "research" it.

A speech about climate change typically pays the speaker $500,000 + flight and hotel and dinner expenses, here we are talking about charity dinners which are invite only and you must buy a ticket for $30,000+ per person. the money however goes to fund more speeches. Also salaries of professors and news reporters and scientists that agree to peddle this information. Often times the charity events climate research money is used to fund political events and the proceeds go towards funding your democratic, socialist and communist parties, which helps fund their political campaigns and makes it easier for them to reach out to voters, helping them get elected. And then we go back into more speeches and it's a bad loop of money laundering.

Carbon emissions are a health issue, that is very much true, they will lower you life expectancy. For that reason I advise people to move out of big cities, wear a mask, or gas mask if you have to go into a big city, and filter any air coming into your house/apartment and have lots of house plants if you must live in a big city. Given that they are a health issue, they are a local health issue, as hinted at, they cannot travel more than 100 miles from the emission source in the air column, and thats in reallly bad wind, so usually they travel only a short distance. This means air pollution from NY city can't effect rochester NY, it just can't travel that far. the same way air pollution from Beijing China cannot effect the amazon fainforest or california. Carbon emissions are a Local Climate Change Issue. there is no such thing as "Global"+climate change.

California is dry because of people though, this is real Local Climate Change and people have had a really bad effect on California! california has always been hot and dry, but most of it used to be desert; sand and cacti. the north had some forests which were fed by the river to keep them from drying out. People that is the california government over a short time Destroyed this natural balance in order to support large cities that the rive if left to it's natural courses would not bring enough water to said cities to support a large populace. So they dammed the river, and redirected it's flow directly to the cities, not only that people made farms, farms in the desert and redirected the river's flow into their farm lands as irrigation. The forests became starved and dried up relying on just rain water to survive all because California and the democrats there wanted to expand their political influence and get more electoral college votes due to population. The sad truth is California only has enough extra water to really support a few small towns, not cities or farms, and in order to stop the wildfires that dam and farms and big cities needs to go. People need to leave california and illegal migrants replacing people in california just keep the problem going. people need to leave california and not be replaced.